Monday, December 05, 2005

Unaccompanied children

On debate of banning men from sitting next to unaccompanied children on their planes by Air New Zealand and Quantas I think I would add my five cents.

The ground staff should have ensured that the sitting arrangement made by them followed their company's policy rather than leaving it to the air staff to sort that out.

The air staff should have shifted the child rather than the man.

They both did not do their work properly show unprofessionalism all around .

Now the ban itself is symptom of the sick minds .

Why not ban women too from sitting next to unaccompanied children .There have been many news stories of the female teachers or custodians developing the relationship with the minor boys under their charge.Women can be as dangerous as men.

Why not charge extra fare for unaccompanied children to discourage their parents from sending them so .

That extra money can go towards providing exclusive space for them and taking extra care of them by air hostesses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the early 70's my cousins used to travel from India to Spain under the care of air hostesses who were responsible for their safe and sound arrival.

This facility should be resumed without any extra cost.


9:46 AM  

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